Putt Trax aluminium putting gates are designed to drastically improve your putting. The putting gates should be positioned either side of the golf ball while practicing. Your goal is to stroke your putter between the two gates without touching them. Achieving this will insure the path of your stroke is perfect and you are correctly aligned, allowing you instant feedback if the putter face is square at impact or not.
Practising with Putt Trax tools will groove your stroke to become technically sound and wildly more consistent for lower scores, guaranteeing more enjoyment on the greens!
Putt Trax will help you to ingrain the perfect putting ark. While using the tools, the path of your putter will stay on the correct ark, if your ark changes your putter will hit either side of the gates. If your stroke is inside to out, your putter will hit the outer tool. If your stroke is outside to in, your putter will hit the inner tool, giving you instant feedback of where you stoke faults.
Putt Trax will make sure your putter aligns perfectly to your target line. Each Putt Trax tool includes a line that sets your putter up perfectly square to the target. Using this in your practice will help to improve your alignment on the course.